Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gaza Massacre: Where Death is the Aura of Life

Massacre in Gaza:
Where Death is the Aura of Life!

When for close to a century, a people become subjected to death, injury, imprisonment, continuous relocation, agony, separation from loved ones and a perpetually ominous threat of war, one is amazed more at the rather lackluster concern of an international community that is complacent more with the perpetrator of all these misdeeds rather than it is at showing any compassion and mercy towards the helpless victims of these Godless acts. The daily and nightly displays of unchallenged military prowess in Gaza used for the total annihilation of a people, who never sought more than to be left alone in peace raising their olives, sheep and oranges, only adds more to the disgust the observer is bound to feel for a regional community that has forgotten the meaning of blood linkage and an international order that has forgotten that it was mainly set up to protect the victims of "holocausts" and ethnic cleansing. Yes, the current massacre being unleashed in Gaza is a stain in the history of Mankind. Massacres like these are never erased by any "efforts" of polished politicians "seeking a truce" or even a "temporary cease fire". The efforts of theses luxuriously attired seekers of press coverage and a quick handshake appearance before the TV camera with impotent power brokers in a disguising philanthropic prodding are fooling no one as they jump from capital to capital enjoying the gourmet of the places they shuttle to and fro, while the people they are supposedly "rescuing" are not even allowed to drink at least one glass of pure clean water a day, and the infants of the latter are denied the right to silent slumber to digest their already sour milk, if they are lucky enough to get even that. It is not easy for infants to find sleep amidst the high screeching sound of F – 16s and the ongoing buzzing of drones and Apache helicopters, not to mention the ongoing booms of the lethal ordnance they unleash in every direction of the city of Gaza. Let it not be forgotten that Gaza is indeed one of the most densely crowded cities in the world.
On the first day of Israel's shameless "ground incursion", after its already unforgivable ten days of air, sea and artillery pounding, the casualties reached some 70 dead or injured people, mostly women and children. All those "menacing rocket of Hamas did not injure one Israeli trespasser (What else can one call the Israeli citizens?)! Oh sure, the Zionist death machine has exonerated itself by telling the world that they have already dropped hundreds of leaflets, telling the people of Gaza that "they have nothing against them" and that the Gazans should leave their homes, apartments and tents and seek shelter. The fact of the matter is that there are no civilian shelters in Gaza; the people of Gaza do not have the unlimited backing of a United Arab Appeal, AIPAC or an Anti Defamation League – funds for the construction of a sophisticated shelter system enjoyed by the displacers of the original inhabitants of the land that was theirs for centuries prior to the advent of the Zionist uprooters of the indigenous Palestinians. All the people of Gaza have is the hope that God will not abandon them as the rest of humanity has. They have no choice but to read these leaflets with some feeling of ridicule and despair at the rather helpless fate that they are subjected to under the observing eyes of the world. The leaflets are supposedly enough to render the horrible Zionist death machine innocent of all crimes as whole families – fathers, mothers, offspring of all ages are wiped out of existence by a humanless drone or a distant Apache helicopter, whose operator and crew haven't the slightest idea who they are eliminating from existence, or even have the slightest care as to the military value of their target. No, these death machine operators have been scientifically reared to believe that the elimination of human life is a noble cause. In fact they regard the death of Palestinians as an essential luxury of Zionist existence and a source of pride as they distort the true sense of justice God intended for this world and wish to convince all of mankind that they are only carrying out God's "promise". If that is the promise God has granted to murderers, assassins, thugs and outright criminals, then what are they leaving for the good people of the earth, who these modern mobsters kill, even as the victims are leaning with their foreheads on the ground in total submission to Him in his houses of worship. On the eve of the ground excursion an Israeli air attack killed 13 worshippers of the Sunset prayer in a mosque as they devoutly seek relief from God Almighty, following that with a similar attack that killed nine worshippers as they are bowing in prayer at Dawn of the following day. No, it is for certain that this is not done rightly in the name of the Almighty; those who are still willing to risk their lives to show their faith in Him and undertake their rites of prayer, even with the possibility that death is more likely than the hope of drinking their morning breakfast coffee know that their Lord is much more merciful than that.
How can one express the agony and disgust that one feels at the epitome of human justice, when it renders an entire people as not worthy of humanity's pity and concern? No, agony and disgust would be praise for such abominable justice. Heartbreak is more the right way of describing the sadness within the chests of those who really hoped that humanity could be far more sensitive to the suffering of their own kind. But then, we live in an age where the power of aluminum drones and black Apache helicopters and Markova tanks kill all sense of humanity within the human spirit.


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