Monday, August 03, 2009

Palestine and World Peace: Where Terror Has Reigned for A Century

It is no mystery to the observer that the stability of the world and the hopes for international peace hinge on the achievement of a JUST AND LASTING PEACE in the Holy Land. This would mean dispelling the notion that Israel is a bastion of peace, harmony and regional cohesion. On the contrary, keen observers of events in the region, since the unholy creation of this Spartan chauvinistic enclave amidst a region blessed by the Lord Al-Mighty as the birthplace of the most important and advanced spiritual missions, tend to underscore the fact that Israel is indeed a dangerous and backward human experience that relies on maintaining an international disorder as a clear rationale for its unholy existence. Observers know that Israeli Zionist dogma would not have a chance to thrive in a peaceful world, as for example, American taxpayers would then question the rationale of continuing to provide Israel with US $ 10,000,000 per day (as suggested by former President Jimmy Carter in an interview with Larry King Live on CNN). Not only that, but it would be clear that the whole essence of an arrogant policy of embezzlement and arm-twisting tactics does not provide for a peaceful coexistence amongst the nations of the region, in particular and for world peace in general. It is no secret that the people of Germany are still paying for the crimes of their former Fuhrer many times over, although they and their parents did not even have any part in the crimes that this madman that were perpetrated against many sizable ethnic communities throughout the world, for which no group enjoys a monopoly thereof.

The recent situation in the Holy Land bespeaks a nation vent on seeking the complete annihilation of what remains of the indigenous inhabitants of the Land of Galilee and surely is further proof that Israelis, whether as politicians or Kibbutz settlers are in no mood for the establishment of a permanent peace for the Middle East. The continuous intimidations against the Lebanese, through ongoing violations of Lebanese airspace, and other forays inside Lebanese territory underscore the Israeli penchant for ongoing conflict as raison d’être for their continuous Spartan inclinations for a highly militarized society, in which all are taught that “to survive, you must kill, kill, kill … or be killed!” Surely this is not fitting for a people, who seek self incrimination from the rest of the international community, for their “long history of oppression”, as manifested by, for example, by the Dreyfus Affair, amongst other exaggerated portrayals of human repression. Yet, this is how settlers of the Holy Land are instructed and grilled to view their existence and the only way to give such existence any chance of sustainability.

Israeli extremists of the likes of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his even more “militant” Deputy PM and Foreign Minister, Avigdor (alias Evet) Lieberman are in no mood for any idea that President Barack Obama and his Secretary in the State Department might have of trying to establish a lasting removal of a major chronic headache for the budget that the American taxpayers are already overtaxed to continue resourcing. They are also not inclined to believe that there should be any compromise of any of the wishy-washy claims to total hegemony over the Holy Land from the Euphrates to the Nile, as shown by the projected Zionist State pictured high in the walls of the Israeli Knesset. People like Lieberman and Netanyahu (and even the likes of Israeli “doves”, Ehud Barak and Shimon Perez) know that Israel has gotten to where it is now by the sheer power of the gun and not any other means of peaceful coexistence. Their own political rise in the ladder of Israeli officialdom is mainly the product of how they have been able to represent Israeli Zionist dogma behind the barrel of a gun.

The funny irony that one is now unable to ignore is how Israel is crying wolf to an imaginary nuclear Iran, whereas to this day Israel is a persistent rejecter of any efforts to make it become a party to any international convention on nuclear armaments or even nuclear power and has been a strong backer of Indian nuclear attainment. Iran to this day has not been proven to have any means of nuclear armament stockpiling or even testing, whereas Israel possesses at least 200 nukes at its disposal. Surely there is ample room for questioning the legitimacy of Israel’s gripes against Iranian nuclear attainment or even threat. Dogmatically speaking, it would be against the Fatwa of the former Ayatollah Khomeini, the creator of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for Iran to possess any nuclear armaments, as also suggested by Mahmoud Ahmednejad in an interview also in CNN’s Larry King Live. It is indeed a fact that Islamic dogma prohibits the killing of innocent civilian populations “en masse”, a rule which any Islamic regime of any standing must uphold if it wishes to have a claim to upholding Islamic jurisdictional doctrinaire.

As a further testimony to the fallacy of the “civilized” goodness of the Israeli cancer, which has disrupted the peace of the region for nearly a century now, one cannot remain oblivious to the ongoing desecration of any religious landmarks of non-Jewish persuasions, such as the ongoing violations of the Holy Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem, not to mention the recurrent violations of the sanctity of Christian Churches that have been present for some two millennia in some cases. One can only ask the many thousands of Christian Palestinians as to what happened to the churches in the Palestinian villages from which they were uprooted.

The Yemen Times Issue 1282 August 3, 2009


At 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how many lies can you tell before you belong to the lie al-haifi ?


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