Saturday, October 09, 2010

Who are the real enemies of the nation?

Hassan Al-Haifi
Yemen Times (

“Our Arab leaders have really fallen off their rockers!” said Mona, as she helped her son pack his school gear for the first day of school.

“How dare you call them leaders? They can’t lead a pack of mules, let alone a nation of incalculable resources,” quipped Mahmud as he gathered his briefcase off to work.

Mona, broke in again: “That is really giving those leaders more than they are worth! Dad look at the mess they have made of this nation.” She always called her husband by what the kids often call him.

The mother then became more worried about getting the kids to school in due time for the morning line up than about the Arab political scene: “Look at the time, kids, you are getting late for school. How can you expect to take over the leadership of the Arab World without a solid education to bank on?

“Mom!” Mahmud again broke the conversation, calling her what the kids called her: “Do not worry about that becoming an obstacle to political ascent. Most of the Arab leaders have trouble reading and writing, let alone understanding economic geography. Just listen to some of them try to make a speech. They are probably the laughing stock of international political forums as they stutter mixing up the past tense with the present and hardly realizing that the future for their nation simply spells: GLOOM!”

Mahmud tried to speed up having his breakfast, as he heard the sound of his car warming up outside: “Mona, what is making you so raunchy against our great lineup of Arab leaders. I was worried that the kids could pick up on our talk and echo what they heard in public. With our leaders worried more about remaining in power than looking out for the interest of the nation, their security apparatus might pick some unfavorable vibes from our kids. That could make their parents vulnerable to becoming candidates for unhealthy interrogations.”

That in itself is enough to raise the anger of any Arab citizen as all of the Arab people become the victims of political terror that makes the “terror” of Osama Bin Laden seem like child play!” said Mona.

Mahmud began to sense the bells of danger ringing in the horizon: “Be careful about statements like that! You know our leaders are making fortunes on declaring wars on the latter, although half of them haven’t the faintest idea who Osama is working for? For them, Osama is the best news they have heard. With the West being jittery about the name of Osama, all of a sudden our leaders have become anti Osama freaks, just waiting for the next appearance of Aiman Al-Zawhiri, so they can scream that they are partners in the so called ‘War on Terror’. For God’s sake, these leaders have come to personify real terror in all its manifestations. You can’t speak your mind anywhere without having to worry about the guy or gal next to you being an informer of the state security apparatus. Moreover, even our newspapers have been silenced by a labyrinth of laws and a quagmire of security machines that portray a venue of freedom that only applies to the lynch men of the security organs of Government, who have forgotten that their original mandate is to protect the citizens of the country from hostile assaults and other criminal infractions. So tell me Mona, when does one have time to worry about all the hostile criminal acts being inflicted on our fellow Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza. In other words my dear Mona, the Arab leadership is a God send for the Zionist machine of the world, if not its very own creation!”

Mona, said: “Watch out before being accused of making up conspiracy theories, which has become an unfailing attack vehicle for those who seek to prevent anyone from getting to the truth of things happening in this world!”

Mahmud responded to that with ease: “Conspiracy theory or not, these are all inescapable facts we see on the ground. If you try to write up about the facts on the ground the International Zionist Establishment have people like “Mo” ready with slander and libel and all the concoctions to try to intimidate one to get into a useless tic for tat, to silence you from speaking about the horrors of the Zionist machine in the Holy Land and the horrors of the bogus “democracy” we enjoy in the Middle East”.

Mona continued to straighten her husband out: “Well Dad, you can be sure that the IZE has enough money to waste on silly tools like “Mo” and bizarre assassinations that run up into the millions, such as the Mossad hit earlier this year on a Hamas mid level leader in Dubai, who found Iran to be more worthwhile than most of the Arab leaders who have fallen into the traitor category as far as the national Arab interests are concerned, with or without Osama, showing them the way.”.


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