Monday, January 11, 2010

On the Murder of the South Korean Tourists: This is not the Islam the world has always Known

by: Hassan Al-Haifi

Quite often the observer is bogged down by the absolutely horrendous renditions of Islam being displayed by no more than petty criminals and contractors of death, who are surely worthy of the curse of the Al-Mighty for their damnable corruption of the religion of Islam. Surely, most informed and even those majority of simple folk Moslems throughout the world, are now sick to their stomach for the ongoing displays of murder, sadism and masochism being exhibited by some very ill-informed and surely degenerate imbeciles, for whom one prays to be either eliminated or enlightened to return to the true Message of Islam. It is not difficult for most faithful Moslems of the world to know where this gory heretic rendition of Islam emanates from. No matter where one is in the Moslem World, one will find most of the faithful will be able to point to one place that has been responsible for spreading this hypocritical and inimical creed that disguises itself in corny lip service surface adherence to Islam. The theatrical extremism shown by these merchants of death is in itself already a far deviation from what the true faithful Moslems see in Islam. There is no question about it, all this gory violence and ugly images of merciless death, which we are witnessing almost daily is not simply a series of spontaneous impulsive demonstrations of acts unleashed by uninformed religious zealots here and there. This is indeed the work of well organized deviates, who are nurtured to partake in a scientifically and systematically raised culture, which is actually geared to return not just the Islamic world, but the entire human race millennia back to the Age of Ignorance.

For 15 centuries now, the religion of Islam has been a shining beacon of social and spiritual enlightenment and suffice it to say that the religion of Islam is perhaps the only spiritual creed that was never imposed on any of its adherents. Moreover, the religion of Islam produced great models for the reform and rehabilitation of human society, remaining always at the forefront of sound social and spiritual frameworks. There was never any need to impose Islamic dogma and there is hardly any record of human massacres ignited in the name of Islam. The existence of large non-Moslem communities in most of the Moslem World is undeniable proof that Islam lives by the immortal Qur'anic verse, which puts it as simply, yet as powerfully as it can be put for all mankind to understand: "There is no compulsion in religion!" In other words, let people first understand Islam. God is far greater than anyone to suggest that He is in need of anyone's worship or even their souls at the expense of annihilating four innocent Koreans, whose country has never harbored any animosity or antagonism towards any Moslems, either in Korea itself or any other country of the world. In Islam there is no reward for arrogance, for betrayal of trust, for the murder of one's guests, even if such guests are from a hostile country to Moslems and they are here at our behest. On the contrary, the true principles of Islam insist that any people that have entered Moslem homelands are under the protection of the state as well as all the people of the land and any harm against them is in full violation of Moslem codes of hospitality and protection of peaceful passersby, as is dictated in Moslem religious dictates that are not disputed by any Moslems – the Holy Qur'an. No one is naïve to believe that those, who are behind these heinous acts of murder, in Shibam, Mumbai, Karachi, Iraq, Spain, New York are guided by any Moslem dogma, jurisdictional ordinances and long established Islamic institutional pursuits. All these un Godly acts are, simply put, outright murder and a far cry from anything that Moslems for centuries have ever sought to espouse. The planners, the funders and the aiders and abettors of such crimes as the murder of four Korean tourists, the shooters of Indian hotel clerks, maids or waitresses, the blasters of office workers in New York, the murderers of Moslem worshippers in the mosques of Karbala or Baghdad and even the killers of unaware civilian trespassers in restaurants or theaters, in the stolen lands of Judaea and the Negev are accountable to the Al-Mighty and have distanced themselves from any prospects of winning the Lord's favor. The observer is at a loss in finding religious textual foundations that call for the baseless display of schismatic propagations, which work to engrain inter–sectarian hatred, all of which have no origin in the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed – the delivery that was to mark the final testament of God to man for the establishment of an international order, which thrives on tolerance, insists on social harmony and beguiles all source of senseless violence and uncalled for shedding of blood. Before we can hope for people of other religious persuasions to accept our faith or understand our causes – these death squads must be declared as public enemy No. 1 by all genuine believers in Allah and brought out of their covert cover. Otherwise, they will continue to reflect an unholy and God forsaken image of Moslems, which Allah never asked for and our forefathers kept out of touch with for well over fifteen hundred years.

Our sympathy go out to the families of the murdered 4 Korean victims and of their Yemeni guide, all of whom were killed in cold blood by these murdering buffoons. Our assurance also goes out to the entire world that Allah, the prophets of Allah (including Jesus, Moses and the prophets of the scriptures, as well as Mohammed never espoused any of this bloody madness. All genuine Moslems of all sects are innocent of such acts, which have no basis in any Islamic doctrinaire except those corrupted doctrinaire who are brainwashed to submit to an order that preaches and covertly propagates a mischievous dogma that thrives on blood and destruction. Every Moslem knows where this ugliness emanates from and can easily point to its point of origin, just as quickly as they can point to Mecca.

Yemen Times Issue 1243
March 19, 2003


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