Peace in Yemen: Further than the Eye Can See
"When will peace ever be realized in this God forsaken country of ours?" asked Antar, as he drank his tea, as he and his friend waited for the high school history exam to begin.
His fellow student Murad from another school, sipped his tea also, but was obviously not glad that his tea was still hot, wiping off the heat from his lip, or so he thought. He then commented: "What is bugging you Antar? We are not at war with any other country?"
"You are right Murad", said Antar, continuing: "We are not at war with any other country. For the past three decades, we have been at war with ourselves, for no apparent reason except to make sure that we never have a peaceful transfer of authority in the country and change the leadership to a more peace loving one that can steer this country to progress and prosperity."
Murad was not sure if this conversation is going to be helpful for the history exam: "Look Antar, we are not going to help our situation much by getting into the political nitty gritty that is making a mess of the country. I know and you know that all these wars are not just for the political status quo to be maintained. They are also a substantial source of income for a lot of greedy people that never have enough of all the public funds and property they scavenge, as they claim to be protecting us from the 1,001 evils that are threatening the national well being of the country."
Antar asked: "What well being are you talking about? Come to think of it, what exactly does well being mean? Does it really exist? As far as I can see, the only well being one hears about is the tireless gibberish that the Government media keeps blabbing about all day in the radio and television – the publicly owned ones mind you, since it would not be for our well being, say our leaders, for the people to have their own broadcast channels! So all day the Government propaganda is describing how wonderful life is under the clear blue sky of our lovely land, which is scorched by a merciless sun that no clouds would now dare to challenge, even in the rainy season. All day, our meteorological authority gives warnings of heavy rains to fall in the next 48 hours, and the only rain one hears about is the rain of the tear drops of the relatives of the dead or missing foreigners, who our government has failed to protect from the other mysterious blood suckers of the state treasury or whoever is hiring them to do such dirty displays of Yemeni hospitality."
Murad had an interesting prognosis: "Look, my friend; we cannot continue to lie to the world that Yemen's values are the best in the world, when we know for sure that the last people that these values apply to are our leaders, sheikhs, military officers and the phony religious leaders, who sell their faith for the cheapest price."
"Now wait a minute Murad, what are you implying?" asked Antar, continuing: "Are you saying that we have a leadership that does not uphold our religious and traditional moral values?"
Murad almost cut in: "Well let me correct you a little bit while answering your question: The only values our leadership in all its manifestations upholds are the values of all the property they have accumulated as they continuously dry up the state coffers of any public funds that could be used to enhance the welfare of the citizenry, or maybe buy medicine to face up to the spread of swine flu, which the Government kept assuring us that Yemen was completely free of for months, until recently. The only reason it took them so long to come to grips with the reality of the disease's presence in Yemen, is because they wanted to see how much they could scrounge of the donors on the premise of combating swine flu, which is now a dangerous threat to Yemen! They have pretty much decided on how to divide the lucrative profits to be made on this front, just as they have pretty much decided on how to divide the profits from unleashing the Sixth War on the poor people of Sa'ada, who have forgotten what a good night's sleep was ever since they realized that the Sixth Round is eminent, now that the foreign hostage game has been well fixed on "the Houthis", by no other than the very people who are bound to profit from the next War on Sa'ada; namely the owners and editors of the newspapers and media that are working night and day to ostensibly mislead the world about the realities of life here in this God forsaken land of Sheba. Arabia Felix it is not and will not be until our leaders simply understand that the people of Yemen, north and south have really had enough of their tireless gambling by the Yemeni leaders with the lives of their subjects, and the absolute carelessness they display in conducting public affairs, just so they can continue to satisfy their greedy hunger for blood money. In such a venue, peace is further than the eye can see."